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Pelvic Health

High Sex Drive During Perimenopause

High Sex Drive During Perimenopause

by Dr. Barb DePree, MD

Perimenopause refers to the years during which women transition from the reproductive stage of life into menopause. As hormones fluctuate, common symptoms include irregular periods, mood alterations, hot flashes, poor sleep, and low libido. A high sex drive during perimenopause, although less common, is also connected to hormone changes but may be additionally impacted by certain lifestyle changes. 

Below, we explain how hormone fluctuations can impact your libido during perimenopause and which lifestyle changes may be contributing to your higher sex drive. 

Sex Drive: What Is It and Is There a ‘Normal’ Level? 

Also known as libido, a person’s sex drive relates to how much interest they have in sex. Each person’s sex drive can vary and fluctuate throughout life depending on various circumstances. 

Lifestyle, medical issues, hormone changes, fatigue, stress, and relationship challenges can all affect a person’s libido. So while some may have a naturally higher libido than others, there is no normal, right, or wrong level. 

What Happens to the Body During Perimenopause? 

In preparation for menopause, where conception is no longer possible, the female body produces less estrogen and progesterone (and to a lesser extent, testosterone) as the ovaries begin shutting down. This phase, known as perimenopause, can feel different for each woman and is known to last 7-12 years. 

Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone support the brain, moods, bones, heart, and skin in addition to the reproductive system. Therefore, declining hormone levels during perimenopause can trigger a range of physical, psychological, and physiological symptoms. 

These can include, but are not limited to, brain fog, hot flashes, night sweats, interrupted sleep, joint pain, mood alterations, heart palpitations, vaginal dryness, and libido changes.

While many perimenopausal women experience a lowered libido due to hormone changes, some experience a higher sex drive during the menopause transition.  

High Sex Drive in Perimenopause: What Causes It? 

During perimenopause, a higher sex drive can be caused by hormone fluctuations, lifestyle changes, or a combination of both. 

For example, sex drive is directly linked to the hormone testosterone in both women and men. In women, testosterone levels begin to fall before perimenopause, typically decreasing 25% by the age of 40 and 50% by age 50. 

However, it is not the levels of testosterone that contribute to an increased libido during perimenopause but rather its balance and interaction with other hormones. Although testosterone levels are much lower than they used to be at this stage of life, in some cases, it is slightly more dominant than estrogen and progesterone.  

When this occurs, perimenopausal women may feel more regularly and easily sexually aroused. 

Certain lifestyle changes or psychosocial alterations can also contribute to a higher sex drive during perimenopause. 

Many women transitioning to menopause also become empty nesters in the same years and have more time for intimacy than when their children were living at home. Some women re-enter the dating scene at this stage of life and experience an enhanced sense of sexual desire when attracted to new partners. 

The onset of perimenopause can result in some women mourning the loss of youth and feeling less desirable, both of which can lower their libido. However, for others, the prospect of their reproductive years coming to an end can feel liberating, improve their self-esteem, and naturally increase their sex drive. 

Testosterone levels also tend to be higher in women who are overweight or obese. Given that weight gain is often a perimenopause symptom caused by hormone fluctuations, this too could be a contributing factor to an increased libido at this stage of life. 

Tips to Manage a High Sex Drive in Perimenopause

Although it may be unexpected, a high sex drive during perimenopause can be an empowering experience when embraced. Rather than shying away from it, self-care, communication, and exploration can lead to a fulfilling sex life well into your elder years.


Even though your sex drive may increase in perimenopause, other common symptoms could impact your ability to enjoy sex. Fatigue, hot flashes, anxiety, depression, body aches, and vaginal dryness are common symptoms of perimenopause that could dampen your sexual experience despite your increased arousal. 

Daily physical exercise, a nutritional diet including phytoestrogens, and the right type of menopause hormone therapy can ease the intensity of other perimenopause symptoms. Yoga, meditation, learning new skills, and sharing experiences with other perimenopausal women can improve positivity and your overall well-being.  

Using a water-based lubricant before sex or foreplay can alleviate any vaginal dryness or painful penetration sometimes linked to perimenopause. Performing Kegels, or using Kegel weights can improve weak pelvic floor muscles for increased sexual pleasure. Applying an organically-made vaginal moisturizer daily can also help care for the genital skin. 


Talking honestly with your partner about changes in your sex drive at any stage of life is important, and during perimenopause or menopause is no different. With age, partners can experience sexual challenges of their own, so discussing your changing sexual desires can help create a safe and intimate environment for both parties to enjoy.

If your sexual desire during perimenopause becomes overwhelming or negatively impacts your relationship, it can be helpful to communicate with a sex therapist or a counselor for advice. 


With an increased sex drive in perimenopause, many women feel more sexually aware and adventurous than during their reproductive years. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s perfectly normal to prioritize your pleasure and want to explore your sexual desires. 

Will My Perimenopause Sex Drive Last Forever?

A drop or an increase in libido during perimenopause can be temporary or permanent, depending on the individual. What’s important to remember is that both can be managed with open communication and the help of a menopause coach or sex therapist.  


Due to the wide range of perimenopause symptoms, the transition to menopause happens differently for each woman. While it’s common for some to experience low libido due to hormone changes at this time of life, others report feeling more sexually aroused than ever.

Slightly dominant testosterone levels during perimenopause are known to contribute to higher libido. Fewer parenting responsibilities, less work stress, more free time, and renewed intimacy with partners are some psychosocial changes believed to improve libido during menopause. 

Whether you notice a decrease or an increase in your sex drive during perimenopause, communicating with your partner, practicing self-care, and exploring treatment with a menopause coach or sex therapist can help you through any temporary or permanent changes. 


Healthline – Does Menopause Affect Your Libido -

Cedars Sinai - What to Know About Women’s Sex Drive -

Health – How Female Sex Drive Changes with Age -

National Library of Medicine - Sexual Desire During the Menopausal Transition and Early Postmenopause: Observations from the Seattle Midlife Women's Health Study -